Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Email Etiquette

 I learned valuable information from this assignment. With each assignment and blog I am learning proper use of technology and gaining ideas of how I could use them in my future classroom. This specific assignment showed me how to use inkscape which will be a definite tool I will use in my classroom to catch the attention of students. After I have their attention I will creatively display the information I want them to understand weather it is classroom rules or directions for the assignment. The email etiquette portion of this assignment is essential for use in the real world activities and future job opportunities.  I have always been and will continue to be very simple and direct in my emails. I make sure to get to the point and to be very polite when emailing my teachers or anyone else. Email should be taken more seriously than facebook “lingo”.  My mom has always instilled in me that I need to be appropriate in my emails. Everything that was mentioned in the power point and document we were instructed to read are ideas that she has always told me to use in emails. I plan on teaching my future students to use email etiquette just like my mom taught me in order for them to be successful in their future endeavors.  I may require them to send me emails and grade them on their ability to communicate effectively while using correct email etiquette.


  1. Your logo stands out and got my attention really quickly and its so simple that its not a hassle to read or too much to take in. I also agree with using inkscape in the future it is an effective tool to use in the classroom.

  2. I also enjoyed your red start for your logo. I didn't know much about emails as far as the correct format and so forth until my English class last semester, but like you I have always been polite in what I send. Thank your mom for all she has taught you and learning Inkscape will be an advantage. Good job!!!!
