Thursday, April 12, 2012

Brainstorming for Final Video Project

There are many different ways to ensure that my video is creative. I have to think outside of the box and think of ways to present my information in a fun and organized manor that will allow my students to absorb the information. At the beginning of the lesson I could create or find some type of riddle about horses that will draw the student’s attention to the lesson. Moving on into the lesson I would incorporate some type of technology and creativity into the video. For example, If I wanted to study the anatomy of the horse I could create a way that would allow for me to put a picture of the horse on the video. Then I would find a way to move the words and zoom in on that particular part of the horse’s body. There are many Web 2.0 tools that will allow for me to create this program. After we have gone over the information then the students could take a test and text in the answers to the software that way the students are engaged in the learning process.


  1. The idea of doing a riddle is a good idea

  2. these are all very creatives way to engage students. I as well like the riddle idea.

  3. Putting a picture on video is a great idea it will catch an eye or more. Very good.
